Sorting and renumbering the checklist items - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Checklists

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

During checklist generation the system will set a field called Route Sequence which is used to sort checklist items. The Route Sequence will be set as follows:

  • If the checklist item is attached to the work order header equipment (Type is ‘Header Equipment’), it will be set equal to -2. Note this is the lowest number so these checklist items will show up first.

  • If the checklist item is attached to related equipment or linear condition records, it will be set equal to -1.

  • If the checklist item is attached to a route or to MEC equipment of the work order, then it will be set equal to the same sequence as defined on the route associated to the work order.

    • The system will give the highest priority to the sequence number on the inspection points tab of the route screen where the equipment, point type and point matches that of the checklist item.

    • If no match is found on this tab, the system will then use the sequence number on the equipment tab of the route screen where the equipment matches that of the checklist item.

    • If still no match is found, or no route is attached to the work order, then Route Sequence will be set equal to zero.

During checklist generation the system will also set the Linear Location for related parts and related equipment based on the from point of that part or equipment on the linear reference record. The linear location can then be used to sort checklist items in the sequence in which they appear on the linear equipment.

After checklist generation if the Organization Option CHCKLSEQ is ‘YES’, the system will renumber the checklist as follows:

  • Checklist Items of type ‘Header Equipment’ will appear first, and within this group will be sorted by inspection point and then by the checklist sequence, even though the actual sequence numbers may change (see last step).

  • Checklist Items of type ‘Related Equipment (Linear references)’ or ‘Linear Condition’ will appear second, and within this group will be sorted by linear location, then by equipment, then by inspection point and then by the checklist sequence, even though the actual sequence numbers may change (see last step).

  • Checklist Items of type ‘Route and MEC Equipment’ will show at the end, and within this group will be sorted by Route Sequence, then by equipment, then by inspection point and then by the checklist sequence, even though the actual sequence numbers may change (see last step).

  • Then all checklist items will be sorted and renumbered starting with Sequence 1 (one).

Note that renumbering the checklist items is usually not required, because in base HxGN EAM the Route Sequence and Linear Location fields and other relevant fields are available for sorting on the checklist tab of the work order screen and in the mobile applications sorting on these fields is usually automatic if the user cannot control sorting. However, older mobile applications may still require renumbering.