Creating and using calibration work orders - HxGN EAM - 12.00.00 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Calibrations

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

The only difference between ‘calibration’ work orders and non-calibration work orders within EAM is the existence of test points on the Calibration tab for Work Orders. Test Points can be manually created for any work order in the system and a calibration conducted for that work order. However, customers typically create ‘calibration work order by selecting Type = Calibration on the work order record view. When this is done at work order creation time, the system will automatically copy calibration device header and test point data to the Calibration tab for Work Order. Creating a calibration work order in this way (i.e., making Type = Calibration) makes it straight-forward for the calibration technician to simply perform the calibration at the test points specified and record the actual results.

So, anywhere in the system that it is possible to create a work order whose Type = Calibration, then it is possible to create a calibration work order. This includes the use of Standard WOs, PM Schedules, Maintenance Patterns, even Alerts and Flex Business Rules.

P&ID Drawing and P&ID No. fields on the work order record view will be populated with their corresponding values from the record view of the work order equipment.

The Calibration tab of Work Order is where the technician records the results of the calibration. There are three main sections to this tab:

Calibration header & device level information

  • This section displays attributes describing the overall calibration and device level (i.e., Calibration tab for Equipment) data. Device Precision, Device Increment, Alert Tolerance, and Output Calculation Type are copied to, and displayed, in this section. This information is related to the work order Equipment (i.e., the device or instrument being calibrated) on the record view page.

  • Calibration Status provides information about the state of the overall calibration. This is a protected field, and its value is set by the system based on the Status of all test points on the work order. Values for Calibration Status include ‘Incomplete’ (initial status), ‘Pass,’ ‘Pass – Recal Exists,’ ‘Pass – Fail Exists,’ and ‘Fail.’

  • Last Calibrated Date is a protected field and is populated with the Date Completed for the most recent ‘Calibration’ Type work order for the same equipment.

  • Performed By is a protected field and is populated by clicking the icon next to the field. When clicked the system will open the electronic signature popup for the user to enter their EAM credentials to sign as the technician that performed the calibration.

  • Reviewed By is a protected field and is populated by clicking the icon next to the field. When clicked the system will open the electronic signature popup for the user to enter their EAM credentials to sign as the individual responsible for reviewing the calibration.

  • All parts associated to the work order equipment, whose Calibration Standard check box is selected, are copied to the work order. They can be viewed by selecting the Calibration Standards ‘action.’ The actual standard(s) used for the calibration are entered/updated in the resulting pop-up as well.

  • Calibration Status rules are as follows:

    • If all As Found test points have Status = Pass or N/A and no As Left Status = Fail (i.e., all <null> or Pass or Recal), the system sets Calibration Status = Pass on save of record (i.e., all test points must have a Device Reading and the above condition met to have a Calibration Status = Pass.).

    • If any As Left test point has a Status = Fail, the system will set the Calibration Status = Fail on record save. If any test point has an As Found Status = Fail and the As Left Status <> Pass or Recal, the system will set the Calibration Status = Fail on record save.

    • If any As Left or As Found test point Status = Recal and the As Left status = Pass or Recal for the same test point, and all remaining test points have a Status = N/A or Pass, the system sets Calibration Status = Pass, Recal Exists.

    • If at least one of the As Found test point Status = Fail and the As Left Status = Recal or Pass for the same test point and all remaining test points have a Status = N/A or Pass, the system sets Calibration Status to Pass, Fail Exists.

    • If the user updates/inserts information that causes a test point As Left Status = Pass or Recal and the As Found Status = Fail, there are no other test points whose Status = Fail, and all test points have a Status, the system sets Calibration Status = Pass, Fail Exists.

    • If all As Found and As Left test points have a Status = Pass or N/A or <null> and at least one test point does not have an As Found or As Left Status i.e., the calibration results for that test point have not been entered, the system will set the Calibration Status = Incomplete on record save.

Test Points

When calibration work orders are created, equipment test points are copied to the Calibration tab for Work Order, ‘As Found’ section. All field values will come from the corresponding equipment test point, except the following fields on the work order test point will get their values from the equipment test point if populated, and if not populated, will get their value from the device itself (i.e., Calibration tab for Equipment):

  • Precision

  • Increment

  • Alert Tolerance

  • Device Range From/To

  • Output Range From/To

  • Process Range From/To

  • Process Tolerance From/To

If the work order equipment is a ‘loop,’ the system will copy the loop instruments to the work order. These instruments can be viewed by clicking the View Loop Instruments ‘Action.’ See the "Process Loops" section for details of loop instruments.

The system also copies the user-defined field values associated to each equipment test point to the work order test point. These values can be viewed/updated in the User Defined Fields section of the Calibration for Work Order screen.

The following is also done for each test point copied from the equipment:

Standard/UOM will default to the Test Point/UOM value, but the Standard/UOM can be changed as necessary during the calibration.

Work order test point Device Tolerance From/To is the range in which the Device Reading must be contained within for the test point calibration to Pass. It is calculated based on the Device Tolerance From/To on the equipment test point, the Standard, and the Percentage check box value.

  • If Percentage is selected:

    Device Tolerance From = Standard – [Standard * Device Tolerance From (from equipment test point) / 100]

    Device Tolerance To = Standard + [Standard * Device Tolerance To (from equipment test point) / 100]

  • If Percentage is not selected (i.e., it is Absolute):

    Device Tolerance From = Standard – Device Tolerance From (from equipment test point)

    Device Tolerance To = Standard + Device Tolerance To (from equipment test point)

    • Device Tolerance From/To values in the equation above come from the test point equipment if the WO header equipment is not a ‘loop;’ ELSE, these values come from the ‘loop’ equipment.

    • This same calculation is performed when importing asset, position, system, or category test points to the work order (see Import Test Points Pop-up section for details) and the test point Percentage check box is selected.

Work order test point Alert Tolerance is the range, inside the Device Tolerance From/To range, in which a recalibration (i.e., Recal) is recommended when the test point Device Reading falls within the alert tolerance range. It is calculated based on the Standard and the Alert Tolerance value, which is always given in terms of a percentage so it must be converted to an absolute value range for the Device Reading to be compared against. The Alert Tolerance is given as a single value, so the same percentage value applies to the upper and lower alert tolerance limit. See below:

  • Alert limit - upper: Standard + [(Alert Tolerance/100) * (Device Tolerance From – Standard)]

  • Alert limit - lower: Standard - [(Alert Tolerance/100) * (Standard – Device Tolerance To)]


    Standard = 50

    Device Tolerance From = 46

    Device Tolerance To = 54

    Alert Tolerance = 75

    Upper alert tolerance value: 50 + [(75 / 100) * (54 – 50)] = 53

    Lower alert tolerance value: 50 - [(75 / 100) * (50 - 46)] = 47

    • In this example, the Alert Tolerance on the test point is defined as 75% of the range defined by the Device Tolerance From/To.

      • If the Device Reading falls within this range (i.e., 47 – 53), then the test point Status will be Pass.

      • If the Device Reading falls outside of this range but is still inside the Device Tolerance From/To (i.e., 46 – 54), then the test point Status will be Recal. The As Left section can be used to document the recalibration following any adjustments/repairs made to the device.

      • If the Device Reading falls outside the Device Tolerance From/To, then the test point Status will Fail. The As Left section can be used to document the recalibration following any adjustments/repairs made to the device.

    • These calculated alert tolerance upper/lower limits are not displayed on the screen but are used to determine test point Status, and subsequently, Calibration Status.

    • These limits are calculated only if the Alert Tolerance is populated.

    • The calculated upper and lower alert tolerance values will be rounded, based on the value in installation parameter CALRNDAT, to the precision on the work order test point. If this parameter is enabled (i.e., set to ON) then rounding will occur. If this parameter is disabled (i.e., set to OFF) then no rounding will occur. By default, CALRNDAT = OFF.

Work order test point Output/UOM will copy directly from the equipment test point Output/UOM, except when Output Calculation Type = ‘Linear’ or ‘Square Root.’ In this case, Output/UOM are not populated on the equipment test point; therefore, the work order test point Output/UOM will be calculated based on the appropriate calculation below:

  • Linear Calculation:

    Output (from equipment test point) = (((Ymax-Ymin) / (Xmax-Xmin))* Standard) + (Ymax- ((Ymax-Ymin) / (Xmax-Xmin)) * Xmax)

  • Square Root Calculation:

    Output (from equipment test point) = Ymin + Sgn(Standard – Xmin) * SQRT(|Standard – Xmin| / (Xmax - Xmin)) * (Ymax-Ymin)

  • Ymax = Output Range To (from work order test point if populated)

  • Ymin = Output Range From (from work order test point if populated)

  • Xmax = Device Range To (from work order test point if populated)

  • Xmin = Device Range From (from work order test point if populated)

  • Sgn(Standard - Xmin) = 1 for Standard > Xmin

  • Sgn(Standard - Xmin) = 1 for Standard = Xmin

  • Sgn(Standard - Xmin) = -1 for Standard < Xmin

  • Device Range and Output Range will come from the same equipment from which the Output Calculation Type is derived, if these ranges are not available on the work order test point.

Status - This field is read-only and is calculated based on the information provided for the test point. Valid values are Pass, Fail, and Recal.

  • If the Device Reading is inside the Alert Tolerance (if specified), then the Status = Pass. If Alert Tolerance is not specified, then Status = Pass if Device Reading is inside the Device Tolerance From/To.

  • If the Device Reading is outside the Alert Tolerance, but inside the Device Tolerance From/To, then the Status = Recal.

  • If the Device Reading is outside the Device Tolerance From/To, then the Status = Fail.

Calibration Status - This field is read-only and is calculated based on the Status of all test points on the work order. See above in the Creating/Using Calibration Work Orders section for details of how this status is calculated.

Not Applicable - If this check box is selected, the system will change the test point Status to ‘N/A’ and the Calibration Status will be re-calculated without considering the test point whose Status = N/A.

Copy to As Left - If this action is selected, the system will copy data in the As Found section to the As Left section.

View Loop Instruments - If the work order equipment is a loop (see Process Loops section for details), the loop instruments can be viewed by clicking this link.