Inventory Results - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Asset Inventory

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

The Inventory Results tab is where the list of assets is generated based on the setup in the Parameters screen. The system includes all assets that are in the hierarchy below (at any level) for the selected Physical Location Parent, matching the parameters selected and that meet the following criteria.

  • If the Physical Location Type parameter is set to Location, the asset has a Location populated, and the Dependent check boxes are turned off.

  • If the Physical Location Type parameter is set to Position and the asset has a Position populated

  • If the Physical Location Type parameter is set to System and the asset has the Physical Location Parent as its Parent System on the equipment hierarchy.

  • If the Physical Location Type parameter is set to In Store and the asset has the Store field populated

There are three data spies available to sort the different assets being generated:

  • Needs Resolution - This will be the default dataspy which will display all the assets with the Needs Disposition check box selected. This check box will be recalculated every time the grid is saved with the following conditions:

    Observed Physical Location is not equal to System Physical Location (NULL value not included in both cases) and resolution is NULL

    System Physical Location is blank, and resolution is NULL

  • Resolved - This dataspy will show all the asset records with a resolution fill in

  • All records - This dataspy will show all the asset records in the system

The only editable fields in this grid are:

  • Observed Physical Location and Observed Physical Location Org. - This is the Observed Physical Location and the Organization of the asset. This value can either be entered manually or will be synced from the iPad or Mobile device.

  • Inventory Verification date - This is the date in which the asset inventory was performed. When the user enters a value for the Observed Physical Location, the system automatically updates this field to the current system date.

    After entering relevant information, the following actions can be performed, by clicking the Action links in the bottom:

  • Update System with Observed Physical Location - For all the selected asset records, this will update the System Physical Location with the Observed Physical Location on the Asset screen and on the grid. The system also updates the Inventory Verification Date on the asset screen with the Inventory Verification Date on the grid. Note that once a resolution has been set by the system the record can also be viewed under the Resolved Dataspy

  • Copy System to Observed Physical Location - For all the selected asset records, this will copy the System Physical/Bin Location to the Observed Physical/Bin Location on the grid, no update will be made on the asset record. This is just a copy/paste action.

  • Mark as Not Found - For all the selected asset records, whose Observed Physical/Bin Location is NULL, the system will set a resolution of "Asset Not Found." The inventory verification date will be updated on the asset record and on the grid.

  • Create Move WO(s) - For all the selected asset records, the system will create a work order with the details of the standard work order entered on the Parameters screen. This action cannot be performed if no Standard WO is entered in the Parameters tab.

  • Create New Asset - This popup can be used to create a new asset, nonexistent in EAM, and add it to the inventory list. This will create a new asset record in the system and add it to the existing session.

  • Add Asset to List - This can be used to add an asset which was not generated as part of the session. The asset to be added must have a system status of Installed (I). An example would be a new asset installed in the specified Location, Position, System, or In store but not entered in EAM.

  • Approve Session - Sets the status of the Session to Approved and protects all the fields. For all records where the System Physical Location is the same as the Observed Physical Location, the resolution is set to Asset Found. Before the session is approved, the system checks the value of organization option AINVAPP to set the resolution of assets whose observed location is blank, or to block the user from approving the session.


    • DESCRIPTION: Determines resolution of the asset when the asset inventory session is approved, and the Observed Physical/Bin Location is NULL. If FOUND, then system sets the Resolution of the asset to "Asset Found". If NOTFOUND, system sets the Resolution of the asset to "Asset Not Found". If BLOCK, the system does not allow approving the session if any unresolved assets exist.


  • Cancel Session - Sets the status of the Session to Cancelled and protects all the fields. A session can either be cancelled from here or the Parameters tab.