Creating a session - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Asset Inventory

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

The Asset Inventory screen is used to perform asset audits. When creating sessions, the session ID, by which the different asset inventory sessions stored in the system, will be the unique identifier to retrieve a stored session.

The following fields are included on this screen:

  • Session ID and Description - The Session ID will be a system generated unique number for the session, which can later be retrieved to make changes.

    Depending on the Physical Location Type selected, the Physical Location Parent lookup value will show either equipment of type Position, Location, System or In Store assets.

  • Standard WO - This will be the Standard Work order which will be used by the system to create a Move Work order on the Inventory Results tab. See Inventory Results for more information.

The other options available are the Mobile and the iPad Options.

  • Mobile Options - If the Blind Inventory check box is selected, it is to indicate that the information on the Inventory Results tab will not be synced to the mobile device.

  • iPad Options - If the Allow Move WO(s) check box is selected, it is to indicate that the iPad user will be able to create Move WO(s) on the iPad

    If the Allow Physical Location Updates check box is selected, it is to indicate that the iPad user will be able to make structural changes to the asset on the iPad.

  • If a Physical Location type of In Store is selected, the Parent Store becomes a required field to fill in the parent store. A Physical Location Type of In Store will show all In Store assets belonging to the selected Parent Store on the Inventory Results tab, if any.

  • After entering all the required fields on this screen (Physical Location Parent Type, Physical Location Parent, Assigned To, and Description) the assets to be generated in the Inventory Results tab can be further sorted by asset specific fields like Asset Organization, Department, Asset Class, Inventory Verification date or Asset Status.

  • The Inventory Verification Date defaults to the current system date and can be changed if needed. Filling in this date will exclude all assets, with an Inventory Verification Date later than the date entered.

  • The parameters entered can also be saved by entering a parameter value if needed, before creating the session. Note that all the fields on the Parameters tab will be protected except the Session ID and Standard WO, once the Create/Update Session button is clicked.

  • Once the Create/Update Session button is clicked, the system navigates to the Inventory Results tab. See Inventory Results for more information.

  • If the user navigates back to the Parameters tab, all the fields will be protected except the Session ID and Standard WO. If a new session is to be created, the Session ID lookup value can be cleared, which will unprotect all the fields. Typing in an existing Session ID will retrieve all the related parameters. Once a session has been created, the Cancel Session button will also be available.