Installing the LDAP server component for EAM - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Installation & Upgrade

HxGN EAM Application Installation

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Installation & Upgrade
HxGN EAM Version

This section documents the procedures for installing and configuring the database server to enable the LDAP server component for HxGN EAM. EAM supports two types of LDAP servers: Sun ONE Directory Servers and Microsoft Active Directory Servers (ADS).

The LDAP server component enables you to centrally maintain user and password information for each application that you may use on the LDAP server. If you are using LDAP, when a user logs in to HxGN EAM, HxGN EAM authenticates the user ID and password on the LDAP server rather than performing the authentication within HxGN EAM.

See the HxGN EAM System Administrator Guide.

The system searches for the tenant-specific LDAP configuration file when the LGNEAM installation parameter is set to ‘LDAP’. For other HxGN EAM products such as HxGN EAM Mobile, HxGN EAM Databridge, and HxGN EAM Connector, the system searches for the tenant-specific LDAP configuration file when the corresponding installation parameters are set to ’LDAP’. The installation parameters and corresponding HxGN EAM products are:

  • LGNCON (HxGN EAM Connector)

  • LGNDBR (HxGN EAM Databridge)

  • LGNMOB (HxGN EAM Mobile)

See the HxGN EAM System Administrator Guide.

If the system does not locate the tenant-specific LDAP configuration file, the system locates the ldap-conf. xml file.