Load Actual Consumption Data for Electricity - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Alert Management

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

Administrative alert that populates actual consumption per day based on electricity data loaded by the Load Electricity Data alert.

Alert reads all records in r5electricitydata where

  • The Date Recorded is greater than or equal to the system date – the parameter HistoryDays.

  • Complete is selected (‘+’)

  • The associated equipment has a design consumption record that matches

    • The Commodity code parameter and

    • The Daily- or HourlyDesignUOM alert parameter and

    • Where the Date Recorded is between the design consumption from date and to date.

For the selected r5electricitydata the alert will create summary records per day, i.e. all selected electricity records are grouped together by equipment and by day resulting in one actual consumption record per equipment per day.

These summary records will be inserted into r5objactualconsumption if they do not exist yet. If they do exist an update will be performed. For details on the insert or update see below table.

Not all summary records will be inserted or updated. Insert or update only happens if there are enough records to "trust" the numbers. As follows:

  • Determine Electric Sub-Meter Interval for the equipment

  • Expected Records = Minutes per day / Electric Sub-meter Interval

  • Actual Records = Count selected records for this equipment for this day that satisfy above selection criteria

  • Actual Records / Expected Records * 100 must be greater or equal to the value of the parameter MinimumPercentage. If this is true, the insert or update will be executed. Otherwise the system will not insert or update the actual consumption for that equipment for that day.

The parameter MinimumPercentage must be greater than or equal to 0 (zero) and less than or equal to 100. If outside this range the system will use the default value.