Creating work order alerts - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Alert Management

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

On the Work Order Alerts tab you configure the work order that will be created by the alert. Map data from the grid to the work order fields.

This tab is only used to set up data if the alert type is Work Order.

The tab has the following important attributes:

  • Standard WO – The easiest way to generate the work order is by using a standard work order template. All work orders created by the alert will use this template. If you prefer to use a different template depending on the grid data, you can also leave this field blank and include the reference to the Standard WO in your grid. In the latter case you do need to use the Additional Field Mapping button to map the Standard WO to the relevant grid field.

    If Standard WO is mapped to a grid field this value takes precedence. Otherwise, if no mapping exists or if the mapped grid field’s value is blank, the system will use the value you selected in Standard WO.

  • Work Order Org. – Specify the organization for which the work order will be created. Like the Standard WO, you can also use a grid field to determine the organization and in that case the system will follow the same preferences, i.e. use the mapped grid field first if there is a value, otherwise revert to this field.

    The permissions to create a work order in the selected organization is verified against the R5 user, since that is the user that ‘runs’ the alert management job.

  • Equipment – Select the grid field that holds the equipment. If the alert needs to create a work order you must have a column with the equipment number in your grid.

  • Equipment Org. Field – Select the grid field that holds the equipment organization. If the alert needs to create a work order you must have a column with the equipment organization code in your grid.

  • Description – Specify the work order description. Apart from plain text you can also make use of parameters and fill these with values from the grid. If the alert creates work orders for equipment where the temperature is higher than the maximum, you may want the include some of these numbers in the work order description. For Example: Equipment temperature is currently %1 above the maximum of %2. After saving this you can click on the Parameters popup icon in the field and map these to the desired grid fields. The Parameters popup is used in a variety of places and always has a similar set of fields:

    • Parameter – Specify the parameter number. In our current example you would create 2 records. One for parameter 1 and one for parameter 2. A maximum of 15 parameters is available for this purpose.

    • Grid Field – Select the grid field that will be substituted for the parameter. For parameter 1 select the grid field that holds the temperature difference between the current temperature of the equipment and the maximum and for parameter 2 select the maximum. Obviously, you must pre-plan your grid and include these fields during the grid design.

    • Value – Rather than a grid field you can also map the parameter to a fixed value.

    • Report Parameter Line Number – Only relevant for e-mail alerts. Not used here.

  • Comments – Specify the work order comment. Like the Description, you can use parameters in the comment as well.

  • Include Nonconformities – If selected the system will include new observation records for open nonconformities attached to the equipment or any of its children.

  • Due Nonconformities Only – If selected the system will limit the included nonconformities to those where the next inspection date is specified and has been reached.