Creating alerts - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Alert Management

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

The Alert Management screen has the following important attributes:

  • Grid Name – Select the user defined grid that was configured for this alert.

  • Dataspy – Select the Dataspy you want to use for this alert. Initially after activating the user defined grid there is only one Dataspy called ‘All Records’. Even if you do not want to use that you must select it, if no others are available. Once the alert is created you can click on the Preview Grid button. This will open a popup on which you can see the results of the Dataspy and here you can also create new Dataspies. Then after you return from this popup, you can use the Dataspy of your choice instead.

    When you change the Dataspy on an existing alert, or if you use the same Dataspy but you removed some fields from its layout, the system may ask for confirmation if it finds that any of the fields that are used to construct the e-mail or create the work order are now missing for the Dataspy layout. You will be able to continue, but you must redo the mapping for these fields before you activate the alert.

  • Grid Key Field 1 – The value of this key field is stored in the alert history when an alert is created for a record. For example, if you alert the person assigned to a work order that the work should have been started, the work order number seems an obvious choice here. The key field is not only for information purposes, it is also used by the delay feature. If the alert runs ever hour, you may not want to send an e-mail every hour. More on delay later.

  • Grid Key Field 2 – Optional extra key field. Serves the same purpose as the first key field.

    Both key fields hold up to 200 characters. Feel free to make your own key, for example by concatenating certain fields in your user defined grid. We have used that ourselves in one of our pre-delivered base alerts. The Work Order Status Escalation Alert has a key field that concatenates the work order number and the Employee Code (evt_code||'-'||per_code).

In the Min/Max Definition section you can activate an additional filter on a numeric field.

  • Use Min/Max – Select this check box to use this capability, so the other fields in this section will become available.

  • Min Value – The lower threshold. The value you specify is included in the selection.

  • Max Value – The upper threshold. The value you specify is included in the selection.

  • Trigger within Min/Max Values – This check box controls whether the alert is raised when the value falls between the minimum and the maximum or when it falls outside. If selected, the system will raise the alert if the value falls between the minimum and the maximum. Otherwise, if unselected, the value must be equal to or less than the minimum or must be equal to or greater than the maximum.

  • Min/Max Value Field – Select one of the numerical fields from your grid to use for this filter test. The field must be present in the layout of your Dataspy.

Select the alert type:

  • Work Order – Alert will create a work order for each record in the grid. This will require additional setup on the Work Order Alerts tab of this screen.

  • E-mail – Alert will send an e-mail for each record in the grid. This will require additional setup on the E-mail Alerts tab of this screen. This brief assumes that the Extended Mail Driver (MAIL) is set to active on the Job Setup screen and that any other required setup for e-mail in HxGN EAM is in place.

  • ION Pulse – Alert will create an ION pulse for each record in the grid. This will require additional setup on the ION Pulse tab of this screen.

    This alert type uses the PulseNotification BOD to distribute the alerts through ION/Ming.le. The BOD is based on the data populated in the r5alertgriddata table. Some EAM setup, like setting install parameter @PULSBOD and enabling the pulse BOD event SyncPulseNotification on the ION related partner, along with Databridge setup is required.  An ION monitor must be created on the ION server based on the PulseNotification noun and should include the distribution list (ION groups or users). For details see the HxGN EAM Configuration Guide for Infor ION brief.

  • Generate WOs – Alert will release PM Schedule and Maintenance Pattern work orders automatically. Alerts of this type have specific requirements and cannot be combined with any of the other types. For a detailed explanation of these, see the HxGN EAM Auto-Generating WOs brief.

  • WO Pick Ticket – Alert will create a work order activity pick ticket for each record in the grid. This will require additional setup on the WO Pick Ticket Alerts tab of this screen. See the "Create Work Order Pick Tickets" section in this document for more details.

When all setup is completed you can activate the alert:

  • Active – Select to activate.

  • Frequency – Decide how often you want to run the alert. The smallest interval is specified in minutes, the longest in months. Make a sensible choice here balancing the need for the alert on one hand and considering the load on the system and the receiver of the alert on the other hand. Nobody wants an e-mail about the same overdue work order every 5 minutes.

  • Next Evaluation Date – Specify the date and time you first want to run this alert. The system will automatically update this value after every run of the alert. Make sure Alert Management (ALRT) is set to active on the Job Setup screen. After you click the Preview Grid button and the system displays the alert grid, you can change this value to the current data and time by clicking Schedule Now. Note that this button is only available if the alert is active already.

  • Last Evaluation Date – Shows the last date and time the alert ran.

  • Last Alert Date – Shows the last date and time that an alert was raised.