Creating e-mail templates | E-mail Templates screen - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Alert Management

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

Setting up an e-mail template is only necessary if you intend to send e-mails or ION pulse messages with the alert. Otherwise feel free to skip this step. You likely already use this screen for e-mail notifications, but it does not hurt to refresh your knowledge of the following important attributes:

  • Push Notification - Select this check box if this template is used to send out push notifications to users on the mobile app. Alert management does not support push notifications, unless you hard code the user code of the recipient in the Recipients field. For further details see the section Limitations on Push Notifications below.

  • E-mail – Select this check box if this template is used to send out an e-mail.

  • Recipients – Recipient of the e-mail. You can specify an e-mail address here which is the easiest option and works well if there is only one person to receive the e-mail. If you have multiple recipients, then specify all addresses separated by a semi-colon (;). Alternatively have a grid field determine the recipient. The grid may have a field in which the employee, user, contact or supplier is returned. Or the grid may have a field with an actual e-mail address. For both these scenarios use a mail parameter in the Recipients field. Mail parameters you can use are %1, %2, %3 etc. until %15.

    Mapping the grid columns to these parameters is described later in this brief.

  • Subject – Specify the subject line of the e-mail. Optionally use one or more of the mail parameters.

    For example: Temperature of the equipment is greater than %2 degrees.

  • Body - Specify the main text of the e-mail. Optionally use one or more of the mail parameters.

    For example:

    Dear %1,
    The temperature of asset %3 with description %4 is now at %5 degrees.
    Please take appropriate action …… etc.

  • Report – Select the report you would like to attach to the e-mail. Report attachments require that mail parameter 15 holds the user code and other mail parameters may also be required to supply the selection criteria for any of the report parameters, e.g. the work order number if you want to attach the work order form.

To send e-mails from alerts, the mail driver (MAIL) must be running and the install parameter SMTPSERV must reference a valid e-mail server.