Designing the Front Page - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Help

HxGN EAM Advanced Reporting Author Guide

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HxGN EAM Version

The query BOILERTEXTS in the template is used for the front page, the report header, and the report footer.

There are two text types: report-specific text and common text like User, Page, Confidential, Version, and Date. All common text used in the report is already present in the BOILERTEXTS query. The following are the same:

  • RBTEXT002: Version

  • RBTEXT003: Date

  • RBTEXT004: User

  • RBTEXT005: Page

  • RBTEXT009: Confidential

To design the front page:

  1. To get the label from the Text page of the Reports form in HxGN EAM, use the data item in the report. For example, to get sequence number one text in your report, create a data item with name BTEXT001 with an expression of #sq($BOILERTEXTS{'1'})# and use data item BTEXT001 in the report to display this text.

  2. To display a description of the parameter on the front page, create a new data item in BOILERTEXTS. Use the REPGETPARAMDESC function from Functions\AdvRepData\Physical\ReportFunctions. For example, to display the description of the user parameter, create data item SEL_USER_DESC with an expression of REPGETPARAMDESC(?R5_LANG?, 'USER', ?SEL_USER?, NULL, NULL) where SEL_USER is the user parameter and R5_LANG is the language parameter. Then SEL_USER_DESC data item can be used in front to display the organization description.

  3. To display parameter information on the front page, use the table available below RBTEXT004 in the front page of the template. In the first column of the table, display the parameter label. In the third column of the table, display the parameter and description of the parameter using a text item from the toolbox. For example, to show the user parameter details in the first column, add a text item with an expression of "if ( ParamDisplayValue("SEL_USER") <> '%') then[BTEXT002]" where BTEXT002 is the data item for "User" text. Then, in the second column add a text item with an expression of "if ( ParamDisplayValue("SEL_USER") <> '%') then ParamDisplayValue("SEL_USER")". Add a second text item with an expression of "if ( ParamDisplayValue("SEL_USER") <> '%') then [SEL_USER_DESC]" where SEL_USER_DESC is the data item of the user description. Delete other parameter information details available in the template if they are not used.