Starting with 9.0, EcoSys supports Concurrent Licensing in addition to Named User Licensing.
A Concurrent User License is a shared license that can be leased by a user upon login. It can be subsequently returned during session logout/session expiry. A Named User License is a license which is reserved exclusively for a given user. By default, all users use Concurrent Licensing.
A new license file is required even if concurrent licensing is not utilized. Contact for a new license file.
To configure a user for Named Licensing, rather than using the default Concurrent Licensing:
Navigate to Admin > Core Admin > Users and Security > Users and Security > SECURITY tab. Or Navigate to Admin > Core Admin> Users and Security > Maintain Users.
In the SECURITY tab, enable the option Named Licensed User for a particular user.
Removed License Settings and Fields
The following keys have been dropped from the license file:
The following list of fields have been removed from the User subject area. These fields must be manually removed from any User subject area Configuration where applied:
Licensed for Core Access
Licensed for Projects Access
Licensed for Contracts Access
Licensed for Portfolios Access
If these fields are not removed, the following error may occur when you run the configuration:
“Unable to build Spreadsheet XML; caused by --> Failed to get method: getLicensedForContractsFlag”
Server Settings
The following server settings control license validation frequency and the license expiration period:
The period after which a license (within a session) is considered as having expired.
Valid values are in the range [30-90] minutes.
Default is 60 minutes