Server Settings and Advanced Commands. - EcoSys - 9.2 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

EcoSys Scheduler

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Administration & Configuration
EcoSys Version

Server Settings

  • server.parsing.iso8601.mandatoryTimeZone.enabled

    When the system parses strings destined for datetime type fields, it assumes that they are formatted using ISO8601 with a mandatory time zone. But when this setting is set to false, time zones are considered optional. The default value is true.

  • server.parsing.iso8601.assumeMissingTimeZoneAsUTC.enabled.

    If the setting is false, ISO 8601 strings with missing time zones are assumed to be in local/server time. When true, they are assumed to be in UTC time. The default value is true.

  • scheduler.autoSchedule.numberOfDays

    When the scheduler begins the process of finding a feasible schedule, it may have to move ahead in time in small increments until it finds a schedule that fits all constraints. This setting controls the maximum number of working days over which the scheduler can move ahead in time. The default value is 7. The unit is days. Use this in conjunction with scheduler.autoSchedule.avgHoursPerDay.

  • scheduler.autoSchedule.avgHoursPerDay

    This setting is used in conjunction with scheduler.autoSchedule.numberOfDays. It provides the scheduler with an average value of the number of working hours in a day. The default value is 12. The unit is hours.

Advanced Commands

  • iso8601TimeZoneMandatory (=true OR =false)

    when true, the system assumes that strings destined for datetime type fields are formatted as ISO8601 with a mandatory time zone.when false, the system assumes that strings destined for datetime type fields are formatted as ISO8601 with an optional time zone. If you do not specify this command, by default the command is set to true.

  • iso8601AssumeMissingTimeZoneAsUTC (=true OR =false)

    Use this in conjunction with iso8601TimeZoneMandatory. When true, the system assumes that strings destined for datetime type fields are in the UTC time zone. When false, the system assumes that strings destined for datetime type fields are in the local/server time zone. If you do not specify this command, by default the command is set to true.

Use advanced commands only if requested by an EcoSys representative.