Import Actuals, Posted Line Items (Operation) - EcoSys - Help - Hexagon

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Import actuals (posted line item costs) from SAP to EcoSys as transactions. In previous releases, these values were read from the COEP table. In the current release, these values are read form COVP view. This avoids making extra call to the SAP database to get document header details for each line item form the COBK table.

Main inputs

  • Version where actuals are saved.

  • Start and End Date (range to import) (* refer to the Appendix on [LastRunTime] and [OperationStartTime], if applicable). This value is specified in the EcoSys server’s local time zone, and is compared against the SAP TIMESTMP field (converted from GMT).

  • Include additional structures: flag indicating WBS elements only (False) or WBS, network activities, activity elements, and work orders (True).

    Importing actuals for networks is not supported.

  • One or both of:

    • List of cost objects to import (external IDs).

    • List of cost object category values to import (matching root cost objects are included).

Optional inputs

  • Cost Element range (start and end values).

  • Cost Element Category range (start and end values).

  • Cost Element Group.

  • Cost Element range match (either INCLUDE or EXCLUDE), which determines the behavior for cost elements in the specified range.

  • Ignore FI Business Transaction values (list of values to ignore during import of actuals).

  • SAP version: the VERSION value in SAP to filter on (the default is to include all).

  • SAP ledger number, usually 00 for actuals. This needs to be provided for performance gain as this field is part of database index.

  • Ignore debit credit indicator: a value to ignore for filtering out settlement records.

  • Value multiplier (set to -1 if incoming revenue values are negative).

  • Commit batch size: How many cost line items to commit in one API request when importing large projects from SAP to EcoSys. If not specified, the default value is 500.

Refer to the Project/WBS Key Mappings section for details on how these elements correspond to each other.



 <parameter name="version">System Actuals</parameter>

 <parameter name="startDate">2010-01-01 00:00:00.000</parameter>

 <parameter name="endDate">2010-12-31 23:59:59.999</parameter>

<parameter name="startCostElementRange">0000058000</parameter>

<parameter name="endCostElementRange">0000059999</parameter>

<parameter name="startCostElementCategoryRange">01</parameter>

<parameter name="endCostElementCategoryRange">03</parameter>

<parameter name="costElementGroup">CACA</parameter>

<parameter name="commitBatchSize">500</parameter>

<parameter name="costElementRangeMatch">EXCLUDE</parameter>

<parameter name="includeAdditionalStructures">true</parameter>

<parameter name="sapVersion">000</parameter>

<parameter name="ignoreDebitCreditIndicator">O</parameter>

<parameter name="ignoreFIBusinessTransactions">



 <parameter name="costObjectExternalIds">




 <parameter name="costObjectCategories">

   <category type="SAP Import">YES</category>

