Approve or Reject the Forecast Variance Change - EcoSys - 4.11 - Help - Hexagon

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After a forecast variance change has been submitted for approval, workflow users with forecast approval permissions may approve or reject the forecast variance if the forecast variance exceeds the Approval Threshold Level 1 setup in the Project Setup screen (Projects > Project Setup Project SettingsForecast Settings section). After the forecast variance change is approved by the required level of approver (s), the forecast variance change status changes to Approved and the budget is posted to the current budget and current forecast.

The users on the All Workflow and Forecast Variance distribution list in Project Setup screen (Projects > Project Setup Distribution Lists) define the forecast variance approvers. They are notified via email when the forecast variance is approved or rejected. In addition, the forecast change log is updated when users approve or reject the change.

The Forecast Settings section (Projects > Project Setup - Project Settings) is used to determine whether change thresholds should apply to transfers. If Apply Thresholds to Transfers is assigned, thresholds are compared against the total change line items greater than 0. If Apply Thresholds to Transfers is set to No, the total value of the change is used to compare against the established change thresholds.

  • Through the EcoSys application - The workflow users with permissions can log in to the EcoSys application and approve or reject the forecast variance change.

  • In the email, the users can click the Approve or Reject hyperlinks which will trigger an email to the EcoSys server. The forecast variance will be approved or rejected based on the hyperlink clicked and a confirmation email will be sent to the approver’s mail box.

    Forecast - Email Workflow_4.11

    Optionally, through email, the link "Click for information relevant to this step in the workflow" will navigate the user directly to a dedicated dashboard pertaining to the Forecast Variance Change and its details. The options to process the Forecast Variance Change will be available on the dashboard screen.

    Email Workflow - Forecast Variance Register dashboard_4.11

    The View hyperlink in the Forecast Variance Header Summary panel does not appear if the Forecast Variance is already submitted.

Follow the procedure below to approve or reject the change from the EcoSys application.

  1. Navigate to Forecasts > Forecast.

  2. Click the Register tab. In the Forecast Register panel, the status of the change is Submitted.

  3. In the Submit column, click the View hyperlink. The Visual Workflow Instance dialog box appears.

  4. Perform any of the following actions.

    1. Approve the Change:

      1. (Optional) Type the required Comments.

      2. Click the Approve button.

      3. In the Visual Workflow Instance dialog box, click the Close button.

      4. In the Forecast Register panel, click the Refresh icon. The status changes to Partially Approved or Approved.

        Note: Until all approvers approve the forecast variance change, the change will remain in a Partially Approved status. When the final approver approves, the status is changed to Approved.

    2. Reject the Change:

      1. (Optional) Type the required Comments.

      2. Click the Reject button.

      3. In the Visual Workflow Notifications dialog box, click the Close button.

      4. In the Forecast Register panel, click the Refresh icon. The status changes to Open.

        You can re-submit the forecast variance change for approval from the Forecast screen (Forecasts > Forecast) using the Submit Forecast Variance Change action.

        SHARED Tip The approver can also approve or reject from their email, by clicking on the Approve or Reject hyperlink in the email.

    3. View more details of the forecast variance, then Approve or Reject the Change.

      1. Click the More Information hyperlink.

        Forecast Variance Register screen appears wherein you can view the following details:

        Forecast Variance Header Summary

        Project Forecast Summary

        Forecast Variance Details

        Forecast Time-Phasing Details - Appears when you click the View Time-Phase Summary hyperlink

        The View Time-Phase Summary hyperlink appears only for the Time-Phased projects.

      2. After reviewing the forecast variance details, click the View hyperlink.

      3. In the Visual Workflow Instance, click Approve or Reject hyperlink.