Performance Measurement - EcoSys - 4.01 - Help - Hexagon PPM

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EcoSys Standard Version

Performance Measurement allows you to analyze the status of a portfolio by using the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) generated for the projects in a portfolio used to define the success of portfolio. KPIs are calculated and retained for every reporting period. The RAG (Red, Amber, and Green) system used in traffic lights is also used to rate the KPIs.

Performance Measurement should be utilized for standalone portfolios or portfolios at the bottom of the portfolio hierarchy only.

Available KPIs include:

  • Schedule: Available Schedule KPIs include:

    • On Schedule - Checks if the projects are on schedule per defined thresholds

    • SPI - Checks if the project's Schedule Performance Index (SPI) is within defined thresholds

      SPI is Earned Value / Planned Value.

  • Cost: Available Cost KPIs include:

    • On Budget - Checks if the project is on budget (within defined thresholds)

    • CPI - Checks if the project's CPI (Cost Performance Index) is within defined thresholds

      CPI is budgeted cost of work performed / the actual cost of work performed.

    • Forecast Variance - Checks if the difference between the project's original variance and current variance is within defined threshold

    • Budget Variance - Checks the difference between the original budget and current budget is within defined threshold

  • Control: Available Control KPIs include:

    • Open Changes: - Checks that the total open changes against the total change requests is within defined thresholds

    • Open Issues: Checks that the total open issues against the total issues is within defined thresholds

    • Open Risks: Checks the total number of open risks within defined thresholds

    • Risk Score: Checks that the average risk scores are within defined thresholds

  • Resource: Available Resource KPIs include:

    • Actual Utilization: Checks the actual utilization of resource

    • Unmet Demand: Checks the unmet demand of resources for the remaining period.

Performance Measurement Process

Portfolios - Performance Measurement