Application benchmarks - EcoSys - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

EcoSys Platform Benchmarks

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Administration & Configuration
EcoSys Version
  1. From System Info > System Admin Menu, select Platform Benchmarks, or add that screen directly to your menu.

Standard application benchmarks

Select the highlighted benchmarks shown in the example, and then click Run Now.

These benchmarks exercise the system’s computing capacity using different aspects of workload: string and memory manipulation, floating point calculations, and XML parsing, searching and formatting.


An optional test available is APP_CPUPARALLEL, which measures the concurrent processing capacity of the system. Select the highlighted benchmarks shown in the example, and then click Run Now.

Database benchmarks

Database benchmarks offer a way to measure the performance of an entire database server’s configuration. The database benchmark creates a single score that takes into account most aspects of the database server’s performance characteristics. To run these benchmarks, additional test data needs to be created. This data is independent of any EcoSys specific transactional or cost object data and does not impact any existing data. Benchmark data can be safely deleted after the execution of benchmarks without impacting any EcoSys transactional data.

The two-step process for running the database benchmarks is outlined below.

  • Step 1: Load benchmark data:

    1. Select the Admin Tasks tab on the Platform Benchmarks screen.

    2. Select the option highlighted in the example, and then click Run Now to being creating the data required to run the database benchmarks.

  • Step 2: Run database benchmarks:

    1. Select the Performance Benchmark Tests tab on the Platform Benchmarks screen.

    2. Select the option highlighted in the example, and then click Run Now to begin running the database benchmarks.