Server Settings - EcoSys - Connectors & Integration - Hexagon

EcoSys Live Connectors

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Connectors & Integration
EcoSys Version

Each OData data source that is created is available as its own read-only subject area in EcoSys to be used while configuring spreadsheets, reports, and formulas to read data from the external system. The name of the subject area is listed as Dynamic: followed by the ‘Subject Area Caption’ value that is specified while creating the data source.

  • reports.maxDynamicSubjectAreaRecordCount

    • The record limit for all Web Service OData subject areas

    • The default value is '10000'

  • reports.maxDynamicSubjectAreaRecordCount

    • The record limit for a specific Web Service OData subject area which if set, will override the setting above.

    • The value needs to be set to the "External Data Store" name