Validate the New EAC - EcoSys - 2.03 - Help - Hexagon PPM

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EcoSys Standard Version

Once the forecast method and associated attributes have been updated, this procedure allows you to view and validate the updated Estimate at Complete (EAC). To understand the EAC, view the current forecast, current budget, and actuals line items.

If the forecast method for a cost control object is Time-Phased Forecast, EAC cannot be completely validated until time-phased costs are manually spread.

  1. Navigate to Forecasts > Forecast.

  2. Click the Forecast tab.

  3. Click the Current Forecast hyperlink for the selected cost control object. The current forecast line items appear in the Current Forecast Details panel.

  4. Click the Current Budget hyperlink for the selected cost control object. The current budget line items appear in the Current Budget Details panel.

  5. Click the Actuals hyperlink for the selected cost control object. The actuals line items appear in the Actual Cost Details panel.

    Reviewing actuals allows you to identify unexpected actuals established for the selected cost control objects.