Refresh Cache and Memory - EcoSys - 2.03 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon PPM

EcoSys Help - Core and Projects Administration (2.03)

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Administration & Configuration
EcoSys Standard Version

EcoSys automatically caches data of certain object types on the application server to enhance performance. In a multiple application server environment, using EcoSys clustering, each server is updated automatically within 5 seconds of an update. It is rarely necessary to manually refresh enterprise data or query cache. An exception might be if, in a multiple application server environment, a user wants to see an object in both environments before the auto refresh triggers.

For performance purposes some queries and results may be temporarily cached. This is managed by the application and rarely requires a manual refresh. For troubleshooting purposes should a manual refresh of the query cache  be desired, follow the steps below:

The enterprise objects cached  in the application are:

  • Cost Account

  • Cost Objects

  • Custom Field

  • Custom Time Period

  • Category Type

  • Formula

  • Organization

  • Rate

  • Versions

Follow the procedure below to refresh enterprise data and query cache and run garbage collection for memory management:

  1. Click the System Information icon in the top right corner of the browser window.

  2. Click the Cache tab.

  3. Click the Clear Query Cache button.

  4. Click the Refresh Enterprise Data Cache button.

  5. Click the Memory tab.

  6. Click the Run Garbage Collection button.