<Test Suite Name>.xlsx basics - EcoSys - Help

EcoSys Functional Automation Framework

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<Test Suite Name> Sheet

The first sheet of the file lists all the Test Cases that are available in the file in the order they will be executed. There are two columns on this sheet:

  • RunFlag – Indicates if any of the steps defined on the tab with the same name must be executed. If set to Y, the framework will execute the steps on the tab.

  • TestCaseName – The name in this cell maps to other sheets in the same Excel book that contains a set of test steps.

If you want to execute only certain Test Cases while creating/debugging a test scripts, remove "Y" from the appropriate places and the execution of the test case will be disabled.

<Test Case Name> Sheet(s)

Each test case sheet has the following columns:

  • TestCaseName – (Column A): Must match the name of the tab. If the empty or set to any other string than the tab name, the step will not be executed. Not setting a step can be a useful tool when creating/debugging scripts.

  • StepDescription – A description about what the step does. This text will appear in the result file, so making is descriptive helps in reviewing the results.

  • StepKeyword – The keyword that you want to execute.

  • Object – The object key as defined in the object properties file that you want the keyword to operate on. Sometimes it can be multiple objects comma separated.

  • Data – Free form data that is required by the keyword.

If you type only text in Column A, then that information will be passed to the results file. So you must break the sections of the script results with headings to make it easier to read. When entering numbers such as 2000, you must enter them as text using a single quote to start the string (for example, ‘2000.)