Establish Project Risk ID Format - EcoSys - 3.01 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon PPM

EcoSys Core and Projects Administration (3.01)

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Administration & Configuration
EcoSys Standard Version

This procedure allows you to define a risk ID format for the selected project template. This format is used to create a project risk ID whenever a new project risk is created. Risk ID formats must be established correctly before risks can be created for the portfolio.

  1. In the Project Details panel, click the Risk Admin tab.

  2. (Optional) Type in a required Prefix.

    The prefix is added to the beginning of the risk ID.

  3. (Optional) Type a digit in Next ID Base.

    The numbering of the risk ID starts with this digit.

  4. Type a digit in Digits (Max 20).

    This is the length of the risk ID.

  5. (Optional) Type in a required Suffix.

    The risk ID ends with this suffix.

  6. Type a digit in Increment.

    The risk ID increments by this digit.

  7. Click SAVE, the risk ID appears in Risk ID Example (Max 40).