Remote file server setup for HxGN SDx - HxGN SDx - Update 56 - Installation & Upgrade

Distributed Server Setup for HxGN SDx

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Installation & Upgrade
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

This section details how to set up an optional remote file server for HxGN SDx. For example, if you have users distributed across multiple physical locations, you can create a remote file server that is local to each location so that users can access files more easily.

HxGN SDx uses a File Service to store files for objects that exist in the product database. These files are stored in a physical location on the server called a vault. The server that hosts the vault is considered the file server. You can have one or more file servers per HxGN SDx installation. Any computer, including the HxGN SDx application server, that contains a vault is a file server and must have the File Service software installed.

Another option is to use third-party file replication software to copy files to a local file server for viewing from HxGN SDx clients.

If you do not need a remote file server or replicated vault, you can install the File Service on the HxGN SDx application server to manage documents. In that case, your application server will also act as your file server. For information on setting up the application server, see Application Server Installation and Setup for HxGN SDx. For information on configuring vaults, see Vault configuration.

The mechanism for downloading (viewing) and uploading files between a client workstation and a remote file server is illustrated below.

File download (viewing)


  1. Client workstation requests file from application server.

  2. Application server sends request to file server to copy file to cache.

  3. File server sends acknowledgment to application server when copy is complete.

  4. Application server sends URL of file to client workstation.

  5. Client workstation opens URL on file server.

File upload


  1. Client workstation sends file transfer request to application server.

  2. Application server sends URL of file to client workstation.

  3. Client workstation posts file to URL on file server.

  4. File server sends acknowledgment to client workstation when file is received.

  5. Client workstation sends acknowledgment to application server that file is transferred.

  6. Application server sends request to file server to copy file to vault.

  7. File server sends acknowledgment to application server when copying to vault is complete.

To set up a remote file server, perform the procedures in this section.

Page-1 Configure vault replication Configure vaults on the file server Configure document management for a vault Set up virtual directories for remote file server Install the File Service software Prepare the remote file server for installation