Creating a Query - Honeywell DOC4000 - 7.3.1 - Help - Intergraph

DOC4000 User Guide

Honeywell DOC4000
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When you create a new query, DOC4000 prompts you to select the asset for the query and the type of query. The asset you select defines the asset or the asset type for the query. If you save the query with the asset model, the query is available for all assets of the type selected in the Asset field. The purposes and parameters for each query type vary. For more information about the supported query types, see Understanding the Types of Queries.

You can create the following types of queries:

  • Property Data - Find objects with one or more properties whose values match your criteria. For more information, see Creating a Property Data Query.

  • Change History - Find added or removed objects, as well as objects with modified properties based on your criteria. For more information, see Creating a Change History Query.

  • Reference Data - Find references between two object types based on your criteria. For more information, see Creating a Reference Data Query.

  • SQL (Advanced) - Define the exact SQL statement you want to run. For more information, see Creating a SQL Query.