Understanding the Defects Window and Columns - Honeywell DOC4000 - 7.3.1 - Help - Intergraph

DOC4000 User Guide

Honeywell DOC4000
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The Defects window allows you to view the results of a variety of checks performed on selected systems after importing their configuration data. Once DOC4000 identifies a defect, you can view and manage the defect from the Defects window and associate the defect with a punch list.


When you display the list of defects, DOC4000 provides several columns of information about each defect. The columns are defined as follows:


Indicates the current status of the defect. The buttons at the top of the Defects window allow you to change the status of the selected defects to manage the defect review process. Each state, which includes Acknowledged, Assigned, Resolved, and Suppressed, is indicated by an icon in the Status column that matches the icon for the associated state. For example, a green check mark indicates a defect is Acknowledged.


Indicates whether the defect is considered low, normal, or high priority.

Object 1

Displays the name of the object to which the defect is related. The object name is a link that allows you to open the object in the defect viewer.

Object 2

Displays the name of a secondary object if the defect is related to missing references between the objects identified in the Object 1 and Object 2 columns. If the defect is not related to missing references, this column is blank.

Assigned User

Displays the name of the user the defect is assigned to. If the defect has not been assigned, this column is blank.


Displays the description of the defect as defined by the defect check.

Date Identified

Displays the timestamp for when the import ran that identified the defect.

Punch List

Displays the number of the punch list the defect is associated with. If the defect has not been associated with a punch list, this column is blank.