CloudWorx Basics

CloudWorx for SmartPlant Review Installation and Help

CloudWorx for SmartPlant Review
Smart Review Version

CloudWorx extends the capabilities of Intergraph CloudWorx for SmartPlant Review to support large data sets of point clouds. You can now benefit from the value of working with millions of accurate 3D points captured by High-Definition SurveyingTM (HDS), also known as 3D laser scanning within CloudWorx for SmartPlant Review.

The CloudWorx point cloud capabilities include loading, displaying, and manipulating millions of points captured by 3D scanning devices. You can run interference checks, measurement and full walk-through view manipulation with point clouds in CloudWorx for SmartPlant Review. It accurately displays the point clouds with retrofit 3D models to represent the existing conditions. It is a great tool for design verification within an as-built environment.

You can gain access to point cloud data using CloudWorx software. The point cloud data is never deleted from within the CloudWorx software, thereby preserving data integrity. CloudWorx commands work and display the same as any other command accessed from within CloudWorx for SmartPlant Review.