CloudWorx for Smart 3D Installation - CloudWorx for Intergraph Smart 3D - Installation & Upgrade

CloudWorx for Intergraph Smart 3D Installation

CloudWorx for Intergraph Smart 3D
CloudWorx for Smart 3D
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Installation & Upgrade
Smart 3D Version

Prior to installing CloudWorx for Smart 3D on a computer, verify that the computer meets the required hardware and software requirements and that all prerequisite software has been installed. For more information, see Hardware and Software Recommendations.

Remove the older version of CloudWorx for Smart 3D before loading the new version. For more information, see Uninstalling CloudWorx for Smart 3D.

You must have administrator privileges on the computer to install the software. We recommend using the Run as Administrator option.

  1. Insert the CloudWorx for Smart 3D DVD. If the installation does not start automatically, double-click setup.exe.

  2. In the Welcome window, click Start Setup.

  3. In the Details and Features window, type your User Name, Company, and Serial number details in the respective boxes provided.

  4. Click Next.

  5. In the License Agreement window, select your country or region from the Country or Region list.

  6. Read the license agreement carefully. After reading the agreement, select I agree to the license agreement and conditions check box, and then click Install.

  7. Click Finish when the installation is complete.