Color Mapping - CloudWorx for Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

CloudWorx for Intergraph Smart 3D Help

CloudWorx for Intergraph Smart 3D
CloudWorx for Smart 3D
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Smart 3D Version
10.1 (2014 R1)

Allows for a global override of point cloud coloring. Initial point cloud coloring can be replaced by true color or intensity mapping (if available).

Change point cloud color mapping

  1. Select CloudWorx > Color Mapping.

    The Point Cloud Color Mapping dialog appears.

  2. Select the required option from the Global Color Mapping list.

    • Select No Override to display each point cloud using its own setting or layer override.

    • Select Intensity Mapping to display all point clouds with intensity-mapped colors. If intensity data is not available, CloudWorx attempts to use true color data (if available), then a single color.

    • Select True Color to display all point clouds with true color obtained by the scanner. If true color data is not present for a point cloud, the point cloud instead uses intensity data (if available), then a single color.

  3. If Intensity Mapping is chosen from the Global Color Mapping list, select a mapping Color Scheme, and then adjust the intensity mapping range if needed.

    • From the Color Scheme drop-down list, select Grayscale, Multi-Hue, or a scaled individual color with which to display the intensity map.

    • To adjust the intensity mapping range, type a value for the lowest intensity (to be mapped to the low end of the selected color scheme in the Minimum box), and then type a value (for the highest intensity to be mapped to the high end of the selected color) in the Maximum box. Intensities lower than the minimum or higher than the maximum are given the minimum's or maximum’s color respectively. The Minimum and Maximum settings typically range from 0 to 1. These values correspond to the range from dark to bright (from red through yellow and green to blue for the Multi-Hue setting). For a greater difference in shades, set a more narrow range.

Quick commands related to color mapping

  • Point Rendering > Intensity Mapping: Turn on global color mapping mode as Intensity Mapping with current parameters.

  • Point Rendering > Color From Scanner: Turn on global color mapping mode as True Color.