Adding a Database - CloudWorx for Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

CloudWorx for Intergraph Smart 3D Help

CloudWorx for Intergraph Smart 3D
CloudWorx for Smart 3D
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Smart 3D Version
10.1 (2014 R1)
  1. Select CloudWorx >Configure Databases

    The Configure Databases dialog displays a SERVERS folder and a SHORTCUTS folder.

    • The SERVERS folder maintains your list of database servers. You can add and remove servers to and from this folder. Your local computer is added as a server by default.

    • The SHORTCUTS folder maintains a list of shortcuts to objects that you frequently use. To create a shortcut, select an object in the SERVERS folder, and then click Create Shortcut. The shortcut is added to the SHORTCUTS folder.

  2. Select the server that contains the database to add.

    To add a remote server, see Configure Databases.

  3. Click Databases.

    The Configure Databases on <Server Name> dialog appears.

  4. Click Add.

    The Add Database dialog appears.

  5. In the Database Name box, type a logical name as an identifier for your logical database.

    The logical name is how the database is referred to by CloudWorx. If you leave the Database Name box empty, CloudWorx bases the logical name on the file name typed in the Database Filename box.

  6. Click Browse to the right of the Database Filename box.

    The Create/Select a Cyclone DB dialog reappears.

  7. Browse to and select the database that you want.

  8. Click Open.

    The Add Database dialog reappears.

  9. Click OK.

    The Configure Databases on <Server Name> dialog displays the newly added database.

  10. Click Close.

    The Configure Databases dialog reappears.

  11. Click Close.