Load Case Template - CAESAR II - Help

CAESAR II Users Guide (2019 Service Pack 1)

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11.0 (2019)

Specifies which load case template is active. The software uses the active template file to recommend load cases.

  • Because the software writes the CAESAR.cfg file to the local data folder, you can configure different data directories to reference different template files.

  • Different piping codes have different requirements for load cases. If you use multiple piping codes in your job, CAESAR II refers to the piping code defined on the last element in the model to determine which load cases to recommend as per the code standards.

  • The load case template file name is limited to 15 characters (including the extension).

LOAD.TPL (default)

Select this option, applicable only to B31.3 and B31.3 Chapter IX, to include alternate Sustained (SUS) load cases to consider all support configurations for each corresponding Operating (OPE) condition as required by the codes. This option also includes the additional Expansion (EXP) stress range load cases for better coverage of multiple operating conditions.


Select this option if you do not need additional EXP stress range load cases and do not use the alternate SUS/OCC load cases for B31.3 and B31.3 Chapter IX.


Select this option to include additional EXP stress range load cases for better coverage of multiple operating conditions and do not use the alternate SUS/OCC load cases for B31.3 and B31.3 Chapter IX.


Select this option to include alternate SUS load cases to consider all support configurations for each corresponding OPE condition as required by B31.3 and B31.3 Chapter IX. This option is applicable to all piping codes (except for IGE/TD/12), and not limited to B31.3 piping code. This option also includes the additional EXP stress range load cases for better coverage of multiple operating conditions.