B31.3 Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT) Without Impact Testing - CAESAR II - Help

CAESAR II Users Guide (2019 Service Pack 1)

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11.0 (2019)

B31.3 Paragraph 323.2.2 Lower Temperature Limits, Listed Materials, items (a), (d), and (e) states that impact testing of the base metal is not required if the design minimum temperature is warmer than or equal to the temperature listed in the Min. Temp. column of Table A-1 and in Table 323.2.2.

For B31.3 analysis, CAESAR II compares the specified minimum metal temperature to the lower temperature limits defined in Table A-1 and Figure 323.2.2A. The software provides an output report of this comparison and a warning if the lower B31.3 limit is exceeded or is undetermined. The CAESAR II material database contains the Table A-1 minimum temperature values, which are the letter designations of A, B, C, or D as defined in Figure 323.2.2A for carbon steel.

Adapted from: B31.3 - 2018, Process Piping, Fig. 323.2.2A, Minimum Temperatures Without Impact Testing for Carbon Steel Materials.

The Material Database also contains non-B31.3 letter designations of O through Z for minimum temperatures of other materials.