Discontinuity View Palette - CADWorx - Help

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Mouse Icon CADWorx Plant tab: Discontinuity View DiscontinuityView_ICON

Mouse Icon Plant menu: Palettes > Discontinuity View

Keyboard Command line: DISCONTINUITYVIEW

Checks for different types of modeling issues, such as disconnected, un-connected, overlapped, and not on line.

RefreshList_ICON Refresh

Refreshes the data in the grid.

ShowAllTypes_ICON Show All Types

Displays all issues in the grid.

DiscontinuityView_ICON Show Disconnected Only

Displays only disconnected and un-connected issues in the grid.

ShowNotOnLineOnly_ICON Show Not On Line Only

Displays only not-on-line issues in the grid.

ShowOverlapOnly_ICON Show Overlap Only

Displays only overlap issues in the grid.

ToleranceSettings_ICON Tolerance Settings

Displays the tolerance settings.

ColorSettings_ICON Color Settings

Displays the color and Auto Refresh settings.

RemoveSelectedOverlaps_ICON Remove Selected Overlaps

Deletes the selected overlaps from the model .DWG file.

ExportToFile_ICON Export to File

Exports all data from the palette to a Microsoft Excel (*.CSV) file


Displays the help file.

Tolerance Min

Specifies the minimum connection tolerance. Two components that are separated by a distance greater than the minimum tolerance, but less than the maximum tolerance are considered disconnected.

Tolerance Max

Specifies the maximum connection tolerance. Two components that are separated by a distance greater than the maximum tolerance are considered un-connected.

Color Arrow

Specifies the color for arrows.

Color Text

Specifies the color for text.

Auto Refresh

Indicates whether the software automatically updates the grid when you open the drawing.


Displays a number from the palette that coincides with the highlighted number in the drawing. The arrow and text color setting is used for the graphics drawn in the model.

Line Number

Displays the line number of the component.


Displays the discontinuity type for the component.

  • Disconnected

Displays components that are not connected within the minimum tolerance.

  • Un-connected

Displays components that are not connected with in the maximum tolerance.

  • Overlap

Displays components that are duplicated at the same location. The number in parenthesis (n) is the number of overlapping components at this location.

  • Not on line

Displays components that are not connected to the pipe centerline (typically OLET type components).


Displays the distance between the two components. This value is 0.0 for overlapping components.

Long Description

Displays the long description of the component.


Displays the category of the component.

Component Type

Displays the command named used to draw the component.


Displays the global X-, Y-, Z-coordinates of the component center point.

  • Pressing CTRL or SHIFT while left-clicking lets you select multiple items from the list.

  • Left-click to zoom in to the location of the issue.

  • Right-click to change the view to the location of the issue without zooming.

    Clash Detection