CADWorx Internet Publisher Wizard - Field Selection - CADWorx - Administration & Configuration

CADWorx Internet Publisher

Internet Publisher
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Administration & Configuration
CADWorx Version

Selects the database columns to publish.

Table Names

Lists the tables within the CADWorx P&ID project database. When you select a table, the columns in that table are listed in the Fields to be selected list. Although you cannot eliminate tables from the project, you can exclude all columns within that table from being published.

Fields to be selected

Specifies the columns needed in the published project. To select consecutive columns, click the first column, press and hold the Shift key, and click the last column--all the columns in the defined range are selected. To select nonconsecutive columns, press and hold the Ctrl key, and click each column that you want to publish.


Specifies whether to publish the selected column. If a column is to be published, the word YES displays in the Publish column. If a column is excluded from being, click Yes/No so that NO displays in the Publish column.