CADWorx Internet Publisher Wizard - Introduction - CADWorx - Administration & Configuration

CADWorx Internet Publisher

Internet Publisher
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Administration & Configuration
CADWorx Version

Keyboard Command line: CADWORXIP or CWIP

The first dialog box of the wizard provides an overview of its publishing capabilities. Click Next to continue the publication of the CADWorx P&ID project.

If you have documents linked to CADWorx P&ID drawings, start CADWorx P&ID and run the TRANSDOC command before publishing the project with CADWorx IP. This command copies all documents attached to different components in a drawing to a sub-folder of the project folder. CADWorx IP copies these documents to the publish folder and links them in the viewer. If you do not first run the TRANSDOC command in CADWorx P&ID, CADWorx IP does not link documents in the viewer.