Assign dashboard widgets by role.
Before you begin
Requires an account with the Administrator role or an account with a role that includes the "Manage dashboard" role operation
About this task
When logging in to AcceleratorKMS, the dashboard is presented as your home page. This view can include various charts and lists. The Administrator customizes the dashboard and determines what is shown in the dashboard for each role. The reported content in the widgets is based on your access or associated asset to the content.
On the menu bar, click the gear icon > Dashboard.
The list of available charts and lists appears; these items are referred to as widgets. Alongside each widget is the list of roles. Only the selected roles will see a particular widget.
On the Manage dashboard page, drag and drop the widgets in the order in which you want the widgets to appear on the dashboard.
To modify the roles for each widget, click a widget title to add or remove roles.
The dashboard view is configured for users to see widgets on their dashboard.
Dashboard widgets
The charts and lists that are available for viewing on the home page.
Widget selections
Widget title |
Description |
Widget width (spans half or full screen) |
Content acknowledgements |
Displays total number of users who have completed or acknowledged all of their associated documents.
Half screen |
Manager tasks summary |
Displays overview of each section of the AcceleratorKMS application: Content, Workflows, Tasks, Reviews, and Completions.
Half screen |
My tasks and reviews |
Displays number of tasks assigned to user and tasks that are unassigned but the user can complete.
Half screen |
Favourites |
Displays up to 10 AcceleratorKMS pages you have marked as your favourite. To mark a page as a favourite, tap the star icon at the top of the page. |
Half screen |
My Active Completions |
Displays up to 10 content completions currently in your Completion List. To see the complete list of your completions, click the widget title.
Full screen |
Completion activity |
Displays up to 10 content completions that are queued or in progress for all users. To see the complete list of these completions, click the widget title.
Full screen |
Content status |
Displays counts on content that is expiring soon, is already expired, or is published.. |
Half screen |
Individual content acknowledgements |
Displays status counts of content for which a user must either acknowledge or complete within the verification period. |
Half screen |
New and modified content |
Displays list of documents that have been recently published (or republished after editing). Only documents with which you are associated are displayed. |
Half screen |