Searching for content or users within a domain - AcceleratorKMS - Version 4.1 - Help - Hexagon

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Search for content and reassign to a new domain before deleting domain.

About this task

To be able to delete domains you must first ensure that there is no content or users assigned to that domain or any of its descendants.


  1. On the menu, navigate to Search and click All content.

  2. In the Properties column, click Set filter under the Domain header.

    The system displays a list of domains according to your access.

  3. Select a domain from the list or start typing a domain name and then select from the shortened list.

  4. Select the content title from the list.

  5. Edit the content and assign to a new domain.

  6. Repeat for each document that must be reassigned to a new domain.

  7. To determine if the domain contains archived content, click the filter icon to narrow the results.

  8. In the list of filters, navigate to Status and click Archived.

  9. Click Search at the bottom of the filter options menu.

    The system displays a list of archived content that is grouped by content type.

  10. If archived content exists in the domain, follow these steps:

    1. Select the content title from the list.

    2. Click Actions > Restore.

    3. Edit the content and assign the content to a different domain.

    4. Click Actions > Archive to rearchive the content to the new domain.

    5. Repeat for each document that must be reassigned to a new domain.

  11. If users are still assigned to the domain or its descendants, follow these steps:

    1. On the menu bar, click the gear icon > Users.

      The system displays the Users page.

      If a user account has been disabled and has existing role assignments associated to a domain or its descendant domains, the domain cannot be deleted until the user's role assignments have been removed.

    2. Click Show filters (if not already expanded).

    3. In the Domain field, type the original domain name, and click Search.

    4. In the Active/Disabled field, select All from the list.

      The system displays a list of users with roles assigned to that domain and any of its descendants.

    5. Click the edit icon beside the name of the user account you want to modify.

    6. To remove the domain from that user, click the x and then click Remove.

    7. If you are moving the user to a different domain, then select a new domain assignment from the list and then select a role from the list in the Add domain access field.

    8. Click Save.

    9. Repeat for each user assigned to this domain and it descendants.


Content and users have been removed from the domain to be deleted.

What to do next

See Deleting a domain and its descendants.