Run Report Command - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Reports

Intergraph Smart 3D
Drawings and Reports
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Runs an existing catalog or personal report. By default, all reports generated with this command are in Microsoft® Excel format (.xlsx). You can use Tools > Run Report to generate reports in any of the 3D tasks.

Reports are divided into two overall categories: catalog reports and personal reports. Catalog reports include report templates delivered with the software and templates that a reports designer has created. Personal reports use templates you create and save.

Depending on the report definition, you may need to specify additional information such as filters or parameters when running a report. Here are some examples.

If a required filter does not exist, a message appears asking you to create the required filter. When you have provided the necessary information, the command displays the report in Excel.

The Tools > Options command allows you to specify the location of personal report templates and report output. On the File Locations tab, you can specify Personal Report Templates and Reports Output locations. You can change these locations to identify any folder accessible from your computer.

If any errors occur during the processing of a report, the command generates an error log called SP3DReports.log in your local Temp folder.

  • For information about creating the Report databases, see Create Databases in the Installation Guide.

  • In the Drawings and Reports task, you can create, modify, update, save as another file, print, and run personal reports. Also, you can save reports to the catalog to be used by other users or publish the reports in an integrated environment. For information on creating report templates or report deliverables, see Spreadsheet Reports.

  • In Microsoft Excel, select File > Options to access the Excel Option dialog. Go to the Trust Center category and select Trust Center Settings. Select the Macro Settings category, and check the Trust access to the VBA project object model and Disable VBA macros except digitally signed macros options.

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