Add end segment to existing wall using 3-D sketch - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

Intergraph Smart 3D Civil

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)
  1. Click Select on the vertical toolbar.

  2. Set the Locate Filter to Wall Systems.

  3. Select the wall that you want to add to.

  4. Click Select a Path on the Place Wall Ribbon.

  5. Click Sketch 3D .

  6. Click Create on the ribbon.

  7. Select one of the boxes on the existing wall path as your starting point. If you can add to the wall path from that path point, the box will turn red to indicate that you have selected it. If the box does not turn red, you cannot add on to the wall from that path point.

  8. Define the addition to the path using the path commands. See Define a path.

  9. Click Finish.

  10. Edit the wall system, type, composition, and other properties if needed.

  11. Optionally, click Select Boundaries to limit the height of the wall.

  12. Click Finish to place the wall extension in the model.