Auto-generated WO sessions - HxGN EAM - Feature Briefs

HxGN EAM Auto-Generating PM Schedule and Maintenance Pattern WOs

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

This new screen has two list only tabs: List View and Work Orders. While the Work Orders tab is used to view work orders created or generated by the alert, the List View contains sessions that are created to group together all the work orders that were created or generated by executing an alert. Each time a generate work order alert runs, it first creates a session and then the work orders associated to that session.

If a generate WOs alert runs, the system will always create a session record even if no work orders are successfully created or generated.

A session record contains several key pieces of information:

  1. Session: System generated sequence number that is unique for each alert evaluation.

  2. Status: The status of the session. There are three status options:

    1. In Process

    2. Complete, No Errors

    3. Complete, Contains Errors

  3. Alert: Code of the alert that created the session.

  4. Description: Description of the alert that created the session. Update the alert description if you would like a more descriptive display for each session record in the Description field.

  5. Evaluation Date: Date the alert ran and created the resulting session.

  6. No. Successful: Number of work orders that were either created or released in the session. This does not include records with errors or bypassed work orders.

  7. No. In Error: Number of work orders that have errors in the session. See the Error Message column on the Work Order tab.

  8. No. Bypassed: Number of work orders that were bypassed due to nesting in the session.

  9. Total Processed: = No. Successful + No. In Error + No. Bypassed

A Session record can be selected and one of two report buttons clicked to execute the associated report. These buttons run the same reports as the existing buttons on the Work Order tab for Generate WOs screen. Each report will contain the work orders for the selected Session.

  • Print Work Orders: Print Work Order – Comprehensive (WZJOBF). The report associated to this button can be changed on the Screens screen for screen code WSSESS (Auto-Generated WO Sessions).

  • Print Summary: Batch Work Order Generation Summary (WZBWOG). The report associated to this button is hard coded and therefore, cannot be changed.


  • Setup email triggers based on the results displayed in the session record itself, for example, on insert, send email if No. In Error <> 0. Do this, if for example, you do not want to go to the Auto-Generated WO Sessions screen unless a session contains an error.

  • Sessions and their work order records will be maintained in the temporary table for the number of days specified in the new Org. Option called DELWOSES. The default value for this org. option is 90 days.

  • Work orders displayed on the Work Order tab for Generate WOs screen will not be visible on this new screen or vice versa.

  • Status Authorization, Electronic Signature, Department Security, and Job Type Authorizations validations are performed on the work orders created or generated. If a validation fails, the corresponding error will be displayed in the Error Message column for each record on the Work Order tab.

  • Because the process used runs in the background, the R5 user is used to perform the validations above i.e. R5 user must have Status Authorizations to go from the ‘-‘ status to ‘<WORKWOST parameter value>’ status when creating duplicate PMs/MPs work orders and from the ‘<PPMSTAT parameter value>’ status to ‘<WORKWOST parameter value>’ status when creating non-duplicate PMs/MPs work orders.

  • In addition, for duplicate PMs/MPs, the work order Created By will be R5.

  • There is no method of capturing electronic signatures for this background process; therefore, errors will occur if electronic signature is setup for the appropriate status change, that is, it is not possible to auto-generate WOs if electronic signatures are required for the status change involved. An error will be displayed for all work orders in the session.