Backup Dialog - Intergraph Smart 3D - Administration & Configuration

Intergraph Smart 3D Project Management

Intergraph Smart 3D
Project Management
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Administration & Configuration
Smart 3D Version
12 (2018)

Specifies guidelines for the backup process.

Select models to back up

Provides review information for the databases. Select one or more models to backup.


Displays the name of the model database that you want to back up.


Displays the size of the model that you want to back up. Click Calculate Size to determine the size of the selected items for backup. Size is the combination of the size of both the model database and the catalog database. If multiple models in the site use the same catalog database, the software adds the size of that catalog database to only one model.


Displays a description of the model that you want to back up.

Calculate Size

Calculates the size of the selected model and displays the results in the Size column. You can select one or more items to calculate their sizes. Size is the combination of the size of both the model database and the catalog database. If multiple models in the site use the same catalog database, the software adds the size of that catalog database to only one model. For Oracle databases, this calculation can take several minutes.

Select folder and name for backup configuration file

Specifies the destination folder for the backup configuration file. The backup configuration file lists the paths and names of the backed up files. The location you specify also applies to the corresponding log file. You can click ... to navigate to the destination location. If you are running Oracle on a Linux computer, the .bcf file must be saved to a Windows-based computer.

Select server and folder for the site, catalog, and model database backup files

If you are using SQL databases, the table has the following columns:


Displays the server on which the backup files will reside. This information cannot be edited.

Save Database Backup Files in

Specifies the destination folder for the database backup files. You can click ... to navigate to the destination server location, or you can use Browse(...) in the Browse window to navigate to the destination UNC location. This option displays only when you are backing up SQL databases.

Select service and folder for the site, catalog, and model database backup files

If you are using Oracle databases, the table has the following columns:


Displays the Oracle net service connection for the backup files. This information cannot be edited.

Save Database Backup Files

Specifies the destination folder for the database backup files. You must specify a folder that is shared. You can use Browse(...) to navigate to the destination UNC location. This option displays only when you are backing up Oracle databases. When using an Oracle Linux environment, the database backup location must be on the Linux computer where the Oracle service is running. The account used to run the Oracle service must have write permission to the backup location. Linux is a case-sensitive environment. You must use the correct case when typing the path for the database backup in the database backup utility. You must also type the Linux folder location. Browse (...) is not available for navigating to Linux folder locations. However, you can click ... to navigate to the destination location if you are running Oracle on a Windows-based computer.

Submit Job

Schedules a time for backing up files using batch services. Displays the Schedule Backup Dialog.


Starts the backup process for the selected models to the identified location.